15 Colombia Exotic Nature Tourism !

Colombia Exotic Nature

vamosgoal | The country has great cultural diversity. You can explore traditional markets, enjoy local dance and music such as salsa, and visit indigenous villages such as Kogui or Wayuu.

10 percent of all butterfly species in the world live in Colombia. The country is home to more than 3,200 species of butterflies, making it one of the countries with the highest number of butterflies in the world.

Colombia is a country full of natural beauty. The country has three major mountain ranges, two oceans, and a large amount of tropical rainforest. You can enjoy spectacular sights such as Mount El Cocuy, the Caribbean Sea and Tayrona National Park which are included in Colombia's exotic tourism category.

In addition, Colombia still has a wide variety of exotic natural attractions as I will summarize below.

15 Colombia Exotic Nature Tourism ! 

1. Cartagena

Known for its beautiful colonial architecture and mighty old city fortress, Cartagena is a popular tourist destination in Colombia. Located on the Caribbean coast, the city offers stunning views, cobblestone streets and a rich history. Cartagena is also famous for its markets and shops selling handicrafts, jewelry, and other unique items. Malls like Las Bóvedas, Mercado Bazurto, and Getsemaní Night Market are popular shopping spots in the city.

2. Tayrona National Park

Located on Colombia's Caribbean coast, this national park offers stunning beaches covered by tropical forests, coral reefs and nature reserves. Visitors can hike in the jungle and enjoy exotic tours of Colombia. Tayrona National Park is managed by the Colombian National Park System and its main objective is to protect the park's natural and cultural heritage. The park promotes sustainable tourism practices and has regulations to protect its ecosystems.

3. Medellin

Medellin, Colombia's second-largest city, offers mountainous beauty, modern architecture, and a rich culture. The city is known for the warmth of its people and is considered the center of innovation and fashion in Latin America. Medellin has seen a major transformation from a past of conflict and violence to one of the most innovative and welcoming cities in Latin America. Social development and urban renewal have helped to change the city's image and improve the quality of life for residents. 

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4. Bogotá

Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, is a vibrant and dynamic metropolis. The city offers attractions such as the Gold Museum, Bogotá National Park, and La Candelaria historic district. Bogotá is famous for its TransMilenio public transportation system. This system uses specialized buses that operate on dedicated lanes. TransMilenio is one of the largest rapid bus systems in the world and has become a model for public transit systems in other cities. So it can be easily used by tourists to explore Colombia's other exotic attractions.

5. Villa de Leiva

This beautiful historic town is located in the Colombian highlands. Villa de Leyva is famous for its cobbled streets, colonial houses and peaceful atmosphere. Here you will find the Plaza Mayor, one of the largest squares in South America. Also visit Villa de Leyva's famous tourist attraction "El Fósil" or the fossilized giant whale. It was discovered near the town in 1977 and is estimated to be around 120 million years old. It is now on display at the Paleontology Museum of Villa de Leyva.

6. Santa Marta

Located on the Caribbean Coast, Santa Marta is the gateway to Tayrona National Park and Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. The city has beautiful beaches such as Playa Blanca and activities such as scuba diving, hiking, and exploring nature reserves. Santa Marta has a unique landscape as it meets three important natural elements, the mountains, the coast, and the ocean. With the mountains behind, the beautiful Caribbean Sea in front, and the Santa Marta Bay stretching to the east, the city offers amazing exotic travel in Colombia.  

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7. San Andres and Providencia

Located in the Caribbean Sea, San Andres and Providencia is an archipelago with white sandy beaches, crystal clear waters and rich marine life. It is very popular among divers and nature lovers. The people of San Andrés and Providencia value their traditions and culture. Popular traditional festivals on these islands include the Sea Flower Festival, Harvest Festival, and Raizal Cultural Festival. These festivals feature dance, music, food, and culture typical of San Andrés and Providencia.

8. Salento

Located in the Colombian highlands, Salento is a beautiful small town with colonial architecture and stunning natural scenery. It is the perfect base for exploring the Cocora Valley, famous for its towering wax trees. Every year the Festivalo del Paisaje takes place in Salento which highlights the exotic tourist beauty of Colombian nature and the surrounding landscape. The festival includes art performances, music concerts, traditional dances and many other activities that celebrate the uniqueness of Salento.

9. Cano Cristales

Caño Cristales, also known as the "Rainbow River", is a river famous for its colorful flow. Located in Serranía de la Macarena National Park, the river offers a spectacular landscape of red, yellow, green and blue aquatic plants. The Caño Cristales ecosystem is both vital and vulnerable. The river is home to many unique species including several species of fish and molluscs found only in the area. To sustainably preserve this unique ecosystem, protective measures are taken. 

10. Ciudad Perdida

Ciudad Perdida, also known as the "Lost City", is an ancient archaeological site hidden in the jungles of the Colombian highlands. It is a historically important site and offers a challenging hiking adventure. Nowadays, Ciudad Perdida is one of the most popular exotic tourist destinations in Colombia. To protect the site, strict rules are in place regarding the number of visitors allowed per day, as well as sustainable tourism principles to minimize negative impacts on the local environment and culture.

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11. Rosario Island

Located off the coast of Cartagena, the Rosario Islands are an archipelago of stunning beaches, beautiful coral reefs and abundant marine life. These islands are a paradise for divers and snorkelers. The islands offer exclusive and luxurious accommodation to its visitors. There are five-star resorts on some of the islands that offer full services such as private beaches, swimming pools, restaurants, and spas.

12. Nuqui

Located on the Pacific Coast of Colombia, Nuquí is an ideal place to enjoy beautiful beaches, rainforests and abundant marine life. Here you can watch dolphins, swim in waterfalls, or relax on quiet beaches. Nuquí is a great destination for those looking for an authentic outdoor adventure and want to connect with the beauty of Colombia's exotic natural attractions and unique culture.

13. Popayán

Popayán is a city in the Colombian highlands known for its beautiful colonial architecture. The city has many churches, museums, and historical buildings that make it an attractive tourist destination. Popayán is also known for its rich traditional cuisine. Famous dishes include "empanada de pipián" (a delicious cake filled with nuts), "achiras" (a typical cheesecake) and "almojábanas" (delicious cheesecakes).

14. Cabo de la Vela

Located on the Guajira Peninsula, Cabo de la Vela offers stunning coastal views and dramatic desert landscapes. It is also home to the unique Wayuu tribal community and rich culture. One of the main attractions of Cabo de la Vela is its spectacular sunsets. The sight of the sun setting over the Atlantic Ocean offers a beautiful palette of colors and makes for an unforgettable exotic travel moment in Colombia.

15. Guatape

Guatape is a beautiful city near Medellin. It is famous for its colorful architecture, Plaza de Zócalos and the unique El Peñol, a large granite boulder with a spectacular view from above. Every August, Guatape celebrates El Retorno Festival (Festival of Return) to celebrate the settlement and migration of people to New Guatape. The festival includes various events such as traditional dance performances, music, art exhibitions and other attractions.

In addition, tourism also offers significant financial benefits. The tourism industry creates jobs, increases the income of local communities and drives economic growth. It also provides impetus for the development of infrastructure such as transportation, housing, and public spaces, which not only benefits tourists but also the daily lives of locals.

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